Thursday, July 16, 2009

Excuses, excuses...

An excuse you say!?? How many times I have I told members- "no need to make excuses- you have the power to get back on track- right now"? Well, that advice aside, I have what I think is a valid excuse-- but not for my program--rather, for slowing down my blogging lately. I'm getting married in less than a week! I'm heading out of town to the Northeast on Friday morning, and then am off for a whirlwind of wedding, family time, and then the (gulp) 100-mile hike! So, needless to say, I've been a delinquent blogger, and I don't expect to get back on here until early August. However, you can rest assured that when I do come back to blogging, that I'll have quite the story to share from our little adventure. Who knows, I may even have fresh perspectives as a... errrrr... "married woman"!

Some might ask- are you really going to follow the plan at your wedding?!? Well, let's just say that I'll be using all of those 35 weekly points allowance, plus a hefty dose of activity points-- however, I'm the one who got to select the menu-- so, yes, I am going to follow the plan! Hint: we aren't having just cake- I'll be enjoying some fresh berry sorbet as my dessert. Yummmm....

Have a wonderful rest of July- enjoy the moment, and continue to work towards those goals. Oh- and for those of you in my Westminster meetings- never fear- an experienced and knowledgeable substitute leader will inspire and lead you through the next 4 weeks!


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