Monday, October 19, 2009

An A+ Apple

Apples don't typically top my list of favorite fruits. I think that in many instances, apples are sort of overdone (along with oranges). My exception to this used to be a crisp Macintosh that I picked off the tree while visiting an orchard in New England. I grew up in New England, and a great Mac. was a true seasonal treat. Since moving to Colorado however, I've had just a few too many mealy macs. to even consider reaching for an apple. I don't dislike apples-- just don't tend to choose them when other fruits are readily available. However, this fall I've seen lots of people blogging and tweeting about apples... and not just any apple mind you, the Honeycrisp apple.

So, I figured I'd give it a try to see what all the buzz was about this year. Let me tell you--- apples have rocketed to the top of my fall fruit list! I got a bag (think that it was 5 lbs) of relatively small organic Honeycrisps on Saturday. Today is Monday. I am going to the store on my lunch break to pick up another 5 lbs. Seriously! I ate 5 (small) Honeycrisps from Saturday night to this morning. I think that Mike beat me- and so another bag is needed. Wow- that's a lot of apples! What I am enjoying most about the Honeycrisp, is well... exactly what the name implies. They are super sweet, but super crisp. Crispyness is my most important factor when it comes to apple consumption, and the Honeycrisp certainly lives up to the name.

When I first got into cooking a lot, I'd ask Mike to "grade" the food that I was cooking-- so I could get some feedback from him about if the meal was worth repeating (otherwise I got a lot of "this is good"-- hard to discern good from good). I earned lots of As, Bs, and a few Cs, but the A+ was reserved for truly stellar food-- not a grade that was given loosly. These organic Honeycrisps deserve that rating: A+ apples!

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