Wednesday, September 30, 2009

3 months out

Tomorrow is October 1. That's 3 months out from January 1. Many members make new year's resolutions. Consider however for a moment how it might feel to look both forward into 2010 and backwards at 2009 on 1/1. What will you feel like 3 months from now if you are following the program during October, November and December?

Consider setting some early nearly new year goals for yourself over the next few months. How about picking up a 3-month journal and recommitting to tracking daily? If you do this, you'll certainly have reason to celebrate come 1/1. What about a commitment to moving more? Reframing an old habit and replacing with a healthier alternative? Even a commitment to attending weekly meetings- and staying for the meeting- will help you preempt your new year's resolutions.

Weight Watchers is about making the plan work for you. Find fitting things now that you can (and will) do over the next 3 months to ensure that you wake up with a sense of satisfaction and forward momentum on January 1, 2010.

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