Sunday, September 6, 2009

Blink: Reaching Goal- Anything is Possible

When I was a kid my dad, like many parents, would tell me that I could be anything that I wanted when I grew up- an astronaut, a ballerina, President of the United States-- whatever I wanted. As I grew older and supposedly "wiser", I learned to doubt his optimism- and naturally I am neither an astronaut, ballerina, nor President of the country (and thank goodness about that last one)! However, what if my dad was right? What if I really had kept that childhood belief and want alive everyday of my life? Who knows where I'd be now. On the moon? Dancing in Lincoln Center? In the White House? Perhaps unlikely, however I'll never know- I lost sight of "anything is possible" in most facets of my life at about the age of seven.

I'm reading Malcom Gladwell's book Blink right now, which essentially is starting out to be about the power of our subconscious, our impressions, and how they shape our actions. When I first joined WW, in retrospect I realize that I knew that I could do it-- (deep down) and this in turn is what was a likely significant variable in my success. Although I had never tried a formalized weight loss program before, I had tried to "diet"-- without any success. However, when I walked into the Weight Watchers Center on Colorado Boulevard, I just knew that something was different. The significant "something" that was different was my mindset. I was going to do it. I was motivated to succeed by my leader and I had the information that I needed to actualize my beliefs. I was going to get to my goal. I allowed the "anything is possible" belief to come into my conscious- after many years of being shut out. About a year later and plenty of hard work, ups and downs, and emotions along the way, I reached my goal. Seven years later, I'm still here.

It is worth reiterating the power of our positive thinking in regards to WW success. If we truly believe that we can do this- reach our goals- and stay there, we CAN do it. Such an obvious point, but one that I think is worth consciously considering from time to time. Next step? Bringing those beliefs to the forefront and using them to help propel us forward to action.

Do I now think that I can do this for the rest of my life? Absolutely. I feel this with certainty and am so assured in my thoughts now that it is hard to describe. I finally (7 years later) feel confident and comfortable in my lifestyle and choices, and consequently, in my own body. It feels nice- relaxed and in-control.

So, point being: believe in yourself. Really. As cliched as that may sound, I firmly believe that it is at the root of success on this program. Sure- you'll have moments of self-doubt along the way; however, make a point of thinking about overcoming those moments and truly- sincerely- believing that you WILL reach your goal. I believe that every person- who believes in themselves- and is willing to work to get there, can reach their weight loss goals (and stay there too!) following the Weight Watchers program.

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