Monday, August 17, 2009

Talking to Myself

So, some who spend lots of time around me may think that I've gone crazy, but I'm actually trying to talk to myself more often these days. Not in my head- actually talking aloud to myself. Now why would I want to do this? To annoy the guy who sits next to my office at work? To entertain my husband? Nope. Rather, I think that my little Weight Watchers catch phrases are actually a lot more effective for me if I actually say them out loud.

Over the years I've picked up a few sayings about staying motivated, on plan, and to help out in those precarious moments when faced with a fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. Sayings such as:

"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"
"One moment in the mouth= a lifetime on the hips"
"Is it really worth it?" (that simple one is my favorite)
"Am I really (actually) hungry?"

There are plenty more out there- try exploring the message boards on the Weight Watchers website and you'll stumble across many different sayings, appropriate for a variety of situations.

For years I've been using these sorts of phrases- in my head- with some success. Recently however, I've tried actually saying things a loud. Honestly- I've noticed a difference! Example: this morning I overdid it at breakfast and had a pumpkin nut muffin. I knew that I could keep within my POINTS (by using some of my Weekly Points Allowance) if I was focused for the rest of the day. Mid-afternoon rolls around and I start to get antsy for snacky foods. I truly wasn't hungry- and there really weren't all that many exciting snack options available anyway- so when I asked myself out loud if I was actually hungry, I responded (to myself) with a resounding "no"! That did it! No more snacking urge for the afternoon.

Think of talking to yourself like having a conversation with your best friend- give it a try. You can ask the hard questions, and give the candid responses that only you can give yourself. Plus, I'll vouch for you if your family, friends, or coworkers attempt to have you committed! :)

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