Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Millions of peaches, peaches for me

...anyone remember that song from the 90's? It was by that band "The Presidents of the United States of America"- they were a random band. In any case, peaches (and not "the peaches come from a can,they were put there by a man" kind as the song lyrics go...) are WONDERFUL right now! I've had this little rephrase from the song in my head ever since I bit into my first truly ripe and juicy peach of the season on Sunday afternoon.

**Public service announcement: Colorado Palisade peaches are currently on sale at Denver-area King Soopers for $.99/lb.**

Back to the regularly scheduled blog: We talk about fruit quite a bit in the meeting room, and I love a good piece of fruit as much as the next Weight Watcher- but I'm telling you- these peaches are out of this world. They are not just fruit- they are truly divine. If you have not yet had a ripe peach this season run- do not walk- to the nearest place where you can get your hands on these juicy orbs!

I've been enjoying them as-is (be sure to have plenty of napkins hand), sliced in fruit salads (with raspberries in particular), with a dollop of low fat ice cream in the center (slice in half, pop out the pit, fill with a mini scoop of frozen goodness- great built in portion control in the cavity of the pit), and I've even grilled them, as we discussed in a meeting earlier this summer. YUM!

So, get 'em while they are fresh, and savor this summer sweet the last few weeks of the season. True to the lyrics, "If I had my little way,I'd eat peaches every day".

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