Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Shifting with the Season

Yesterday was certainly a fall-feeling day. Although I typically love the fall season best of all, yesterday's dreary day wasn't exactly the kind of fall day that I enjoy. That said, it did get me thinking about the shifts that I make when the season changes. Everything from the linens on my bed, to bringing sweaters out of storage, and yes, to the food that I eat and the way in which I exercise too. Here are a few of my fall favorites:

I posted about soup earlier, and soup definitely tops my list of important seasonal shifts. In fact, I'm up early now preparing a new black bean soup to pack for lunch today!

In addition to soup, hot tea (usually herbal) is another fall favorite. A few of my favorite flavors include Celestial Seasonings Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride (available only during the December holidays, so I stock up), and this year the Republic of Tea's Pumpkin Ginger Spice. I also like Tazo's Passion tea and Stash's Licorice Spice ('gotta be a licorice fan, but if you are...wow!). A cuppa' tea (or three...) in the evening is just a cozy and tasty sign of fall for me.

So the pumpkin spice tea is tasty, but this time of the year I also love incorporating pumpkin in my cooking in creative other ways. This high fiber squash makes a tasty substitution for oil in baking, and adds a hearty texture to savory dishes too (pumpkin soup anyone?).

On a beautiful crisp fall day, a brisk walk outside is a perfect way to get in my activity. I'm not necessarily a huge fan of walking just for the sake of exercise, but add a nip to the air and perhaps the faint aroma of wood fireplaces starting up for the year and I am practically prancing!

Lastly, as I make the classic closet switch from my spring/summer to fall/winter clothing, I have the chance to evaluate my weight from a non-scale perspective. How did those stiff jeans fit last spring when they went into storage? What do they feel like now? This is a good chance to gain perspective and enjoy the things that I haven't worn in several months. Even just having the "new" clothes out is inspiration for me to stay on track.

Here's to a fabulous fall for all this year!

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